Monday, March 06, 2006

A New Idea

I've been kind of kicking this idea around for months, actually before I even started A Knitter's Wonderland! Since the cancer tango started, a lot of things have changed in my life - well, of course! I've always been a pretty solid Christian, don't believe in pushing my beliefs on people but do believe in trying to walk the walk without using as much of the talk.

So I decided to start another web journal. A place to write some of my thoughts, explore some new ideas, inspire someone (maybe) and just generally have a place to do some writing.

I don't think this will be a daily post. I think it will probably be just as I come up with things. So join me if you like. Leave comments if you like. My plan is to use this as an exploration of things grand and mundane.

My faith walking in my life.


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